
Snail plague in aquariums - How to fight it?

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The Snail Epidemic in Aquariums Snails are undoubtedly one of the most useful organisms in home tanks, as they serve as part of the cleaning crew. They play a very beneficial role in aquariums by consuming dead plant debris and leftover food. However, their epidemic can be a potential nut to crack, as like...
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The Myth of a Seven-Second Memory: Debunking the Fishy Tale

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Have you ever heard the intriguing claim that fish have a memory span of only seven seconds? It's a popular notion, often cited to underscore the apparent simplicity of fish brains. However, like many captivating anecdotes, this one oversimplifies the intricacies of marine life. The Myth Unveiled: First and foremost, let's address the myth...
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Why do plants in fish tanks spew photosynthesis bubbles?

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This post will explore three questions with you:1、Why do plants in a fish tank spit bubbles?2、What plants can produce photosynthesis in a fish tank?3、Is there any relationship between photosynthesis of plants in aquariums and          aquarium lights? 一、Why do plants in a fish tank spit bubbles?      In an aquarium,...
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Aquarium's History and Culture: Discussing the historical evolution of aquariums, cultural traditions, and their significance in different regions and cultures.

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Aquariums, as cultural facilities, possess rich history and diverse cultural backgrounds. They not only serve roles in biology, education, and entertainment, but also reflect human interactions with marine and freshwater environments, as well as different cultures' understanding of the natural world. Here's a discussion on the history, cultural traditions, and importance of aquariums in...
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Conserving endangered aquatic organisms is a crucial mission

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Ecological Balance: Endangered aquatic species play essential roles in ecosystems. They may be crucial parts of the food chain or regulate the population of other organisms. If these species disappear or decline, the ecological balance may be disrupted, leading to unpredictable impacts on the entire ecosystem. Preserving Biodiversity: Protecting endangered species helps to maintain...
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