
Snail plague in aquariums - How to fight it?

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The Snail Epidemic in Aquariums Snails are undoubtedly one of the most useful organisms in home tanks, as they serve as part of the cleaning crew. They play a very beneficial role in aquariums by consuming dead plant debris and leftover food. However, their epidemic can be a potential nut to crack, as like...
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Proper pruning of aquarium plants.

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Pruning aquarium plants is a basic care procedure. Plants pruned at the proper moment of growth will reward us with exemplary conditions. If left uncut or with little care, they will rot in the lower parts and, as a result, we will lose valuable species. Thanks to proper pruning, we can mold plants into...
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How to Clean a Cloudy Aquarium?

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Fishkeeping is a popular hobby, and a healthy, well-planted aquarium filled with beautiful fish can transform any space. Enjoying nature in the comfort of your own home through an aquarium has many benefits. However, many aquarium owners find it challenging to maintain optimal water quality in their aquariums, especially in newly set-up tanks. In...
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Regular Water Changes

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This is one of the basic maintenance activities that should be carried out in an aquarium. In aquariums, harmful substances or compounds can accumulate due to the breakdown of organic waste, fertilization, and excretion of animal feces, leading to potential overgrowth of algae. Partial water changes are aimed at removing excess water and help...
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Professional Aquarium Tools to Inspire Lush Growth of Aquatic Plants

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Introduction: Aquatic plants in an aquarium serve as both beautiful decorations and crucial elements for maintaining water quality and ecosystem balance. To ensure the thriving growth of aquatic plants and a healthy aquatic environment, professional aquarium tools are indispensable. This article will introduce some essential tools, assisting you in creating a fresh, vibrant habitat...
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Algae - The Unwanted Guests in Any Aquarium

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It is one of the most annoying problems any aquarium can encounter. It comes in various forms and colors, with many different reasons or sources. Algae Now, before we delve into the harmfulness of algae, let's first acknowledge a fact: algae are a staple diet for many fish in our wild aquariums. Fish often...
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Is 8 Hours of Light Enough for Aquarium Plants?

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Is 8 Hours of Light Sufficient? 8 hours of light may be sufficient for many aquarium plants. This time frame is generally considered a good starting point, but several factors will influence your final decision. 1. Plant Species Different aquarium plants have varying lighting requirements. Some plants, such as aquatic grasses, usually require more...
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How to Soften Aquarium Water Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide

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Introduction: Maintaining the right water conditions in your aquarium is crucial for the health and well-being of your aquatic inhabitants. While some fish species thrive in hard water, others require softer water parameters. Rather than relying on chemical additives, this article will guide you on how to naturally soften aquarium water, ensuring a safe...
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